Monica Cox Monica Cox


Hello, and welcome to my new adventure. My name is Monica Cox and I recently decided to drop my 9-5 and go freelance as a video editor, content creator, and producer!

The reaction I thought I’d get when I first shared this news with my friends was, “WHAT??? Why?” However, when I finally started telling people, to my surprise, the reaction was, “Wow, congratulations! That’s so exciting!”

This response made me think, A LOT. I wasn’t sure why people weren’t telling me how insane I was. After all, the act of actually leaving my job felt pretty nuts. After talking to more people, I discovered that a good amount of my peers were pretty unhappy these days with their own jobs. While the obvious thought is, “If you don’t like your job you should just quit,” it’s important to note that not everyone has the resources to leave their job and follow their dreams.

I guess the point I’m trying to make with this anecdote is that I’m incredibly blessed and grateful that I can take on this new journey. I realize not everyone can do this, so I feel honored to be able to chase my happiness and share it with you all as I go!

What are my goals with this blog? Great question. I would like to say that I’ll commit to posting once a week, or whatever bloggers do these days, but I AM HUMAN. I will not be able to churn out a blog daily, weekly, or maybe even monthly. I would just like to be able to share when there’s something important to share, write when there’s a story to tell, or vent when the freelancing gets tough. Ultimately, I want to authentically share about my life and my path as it alters course.

So, sit back. Relax. It’s going to be a bumpy and beautiful ride. I can’t wait!

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